Wraitl Exbuis

Welcome to The About Us Page

Wraitl Exbuis is an online communal forum for those with an interest in the paranormal and the vampire phenom or spirituality, in which there is much lifestyle(s), culture, debate and spirituality forms.
We are one such communal in which we are open society and welcome anyone who celebrates Vampire Nature and Aspects, as long as they can do so openly, healthy, and humbly, without interference in anyone else's spirituality or by forced will.
We are not new, we have been here in the Community and beyond for over 21+ years online.
We are mainly about elemental vampyres and not sanguines or other lifestylers or roleplaying, but we do allow discussion on all vampire aspects, rpg and non and lifestyle and also spirituality. If you fear easily leave and do not post here things like we are going to hell and people should shut me down. This is a paranormal interests discussion forum, even if it is a way of life for some people.

Our Blog site is a research centre in which we write things about the Vampire Tradios we are apart of, many people have their own spirituality as well and may be real or non real, you will never find a published book of Vampire religions written about because Vampires are very secular individuals and also because the Christian Church finds such things heretical; and this is the freest age in which to write things about true vampyrism cultures since before the Dark ages.

Many people and orgs wanted these beings to be flushed out or destroyed as well as their ways of living. Many Vampyres went personal and secluded into private ways of being and not all vampyres were apart of other covens due to privacy and lack of info and travel. They did not have an internet either.

We wish to invite anyone, from anywhere as long as you are not trying to start any drama and or incite stupidity and you enjoy fellow discussions of a paranormal or spiritual way of life. --Ana Massien
Eni Eti Jeru Regalis & Thegalis (Not a male title)

Skin designed and coded by LíôN88 - Forum Originale Horror da paura